Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. 6 Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought
to answer each one
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to the SHOW website!

SHOW (South Hampshire Origins Workshop) exists to try and "show" a different way of engagement with UK culture on the subject of origins. 

It seeks to "show" that there is a better way than adopting polemical and adversarial "positions". Instead, we can "show" a different dynamic by seeking to foster healthy debate and ongoing collaborative discussion. In this way, it is our sincere hope that it will be possible to share insights on the origins issue by reference to the text and meaning of Holy Scripture (The Bible) on the one hand and the most up-to-date advances in scientific understanding of the facts, on the other.

SHOW believe there should be no disagreement as to facts. Where facts are not self-evident, it is all about evidence and theories. Such evidence can only be offered humbly, in either extrapolating or interpolating from the agreed facts, as, by definition, no human being was there at the origin of all things.

Join us on the journey...................
South Hampshire Origins Workshop SHOW-ing the way forward in discussion as to origins!

Welcome to Show 

Talks from the Fair Oak Creation Conference 2017(due to copy right issues Dominic's talks could not be videoed)

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